Our contest ends in just 7 days!
The best story wins an iPod Shuffle and other bonus goodies. There have been a lot of submissions so far! So we will be handing out 2nd and 3rd place prizes with some promo goodies (buttons, stickers, key chains and t-shirts).
Record stores, magazines, music videos and movies with musicians in them was what I was all about. I'll never forget going to a record store for the first time. At this point music stores were just CDs and maybe some tapes, but being around vinyl records was a thrill. My first concert was The Monkees, where I was sang to by Davy Jones. In retrospect, I see that Davy was the one to literally guided me by hand into the rock and roll world. Because after that show, music was what I was all about. I have always been passionate about film making, and other things, but music became a huge part of my identity. It helped me create my own place in the world.