I appreciate all music, but I have certain types I really like. I've been exposed to a lot of music and sometimes I do get interested and become a fan of music someone has introduced to me. Usually that doesn't happen, cause I get a LOT of music thrown my way. And most of it simply isn't my thing. With the lyrics rap has now a days, about violence and "bitches" it's hard to take it seriously or know what is meant to be genuine. If I can't tell, I'm probably going to go with engenuine, not serious...a joke. Back in my day, joke music was Weird Al Yankovic, and that was fun, funny and meant as a tribute.

I have a huge problem hearing music and not being able to tell if I should be laughing at how bad it is. I've had instances where I went "Haha, what is this? This is horrible" and the person says "Oh...it wasn't meant as a joke. I wanted to see if you liked it." Oops, I really do not like to insult another person's music taste. I've had this problem with black metal as well. I've dated a lot of metal heads who are into some of the loudest screamiest music I've ever heard. Sometimes (sorry if this is rude) it sounds just plain ridiculous. The lyrics (if there are any?) are totally un-decodable squeals. For the life of me I don't know what they are saying...if they are saying anything.
I am totally aware it comes down to taste and preference. But I just don't get it. Modern music leaves me in a state of immense confusion and I'm a young person who should be able to understand it. We live in a time of Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber, and One Direction. Miley Cyrus is popular right now in the true female pop star fashion; people aren't talking about her music, but her body and antics. Although that is nothing new, it is only getting worse. That's what we care more about now. Technology has changed so much, and it's changed us. It's made it so much easier to create and release tracks without a record label or even a middle man. But this also means any joe blow can make music, and not everyone is good at writing, singing and creating. We are saturated in music these days, and it's getting harder and harder to find the good stuff. What do you think about the current state of music?